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之前想去吃逸鮮棧,但店內全滿,那邊的店員介紹我們去吃同一老闆的綠水棧。反正沒有試過,便來到綠水棧吃壽司晚餐。Me and my friend planned to eat sushi at another restaurant, but it’s full already, the staff there suggested is to come here for sushi – Liu Shuei Jan, which is the same group with the restaurant we went.店分三層,最底的一層是吃壽司,上面是吃火鍋的。我們在說最低的一層,旁邊有好幾位師傅即席在做壽司。ground floor is for having sushi, upstairs is for eating hotpot.看到他們有新鮮食材,如水果和日本芥末放在料理工作桌上,這裏是做創意和以水果入饌食壽司和料理。跟逸鮮棧的經營理念一樣。Their concept is to make creative sushi, some of the cooked dishes use
朋友點的木桶散壽司,主要材料有油金魚、劍魚肚、玉子和鮭魚卵。食材新鮮美味,但底下的醋飯還有很多,可能食材跟飯的比例要再調整。My friend ordered their Chirashi. Toppings are fresh, especially their salmon roe, but the ride underneath is a bit too much. 嚴選握壽司 (9貫 含蝦貝) 688NT Sushi set (9 pieces, with clams) 我比較想吃一件件的壽司,所以點了這個,以這價位我覺得算是不高亦不低的價錢。從照片左到右,分別是剝皮魚、中卷、黃雞魚、青魽、尖梭魚、鮭魚、干貝、松葉蟹肉、生蠔。在製作上他們已調味去做創意,例如青魽加上柚子胡椒,生蠔壽司加上橄欖油和新鮮芥末。整體而言生魚片品質很好,但唯一美中不足覺得是他們的飯粒,有點不夠軟糯,吃下去飯粒太過粒粒分明,個人而言不喜歡。The sashimi is fresh and good in quality, and they have added Yuzu pepper on , oysters with olive oil and fresh wasabi. The only thing I was not satisfied is about their rice, not sticky enough and a bit too chewy. 北海道馬糞海膽 298NT
與朋友都喜歡吃海膽,所以一人再點一件他們的海膽壽司,以這價錢我會期待海膽會再鮮甜一點,飯粒的問題也是一樣。Me and my friend like uni so we ordered uni sushi. From the price I actually wish the quality uni can be better.