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Flat White是一種我喜歡點的咖啡。他比拿鐵少了一層奶泡,知道的很有名,之前跟香港朋友Keith一起來。KiOSK is famous for their flat white, visited here with my friend Keith one day.你中文解釋是亭,這裏門面比較像一間英倫風的咖啡店,很喜歡這種藍色。I like the blue color of their coffee shop outside.裡面的裝潢和設計簡約,舒服的純白色,中午時分來到已經有不少人呢。幸好還有桌子可以坐。Simple white interior design, quite a lot of customers in noon.蛋糕種類不是太多,當天到訪的時候看見他們的招牌蛋糕,之前有跟朋友吃早餐,所以沒有點他們的沙拉和吐司,點了兩款蛋糕。Not many cakes choices, we had breakfast before so we just ordered their cakes. 菜單 餐牌 menu一場來到當然要試試他們的小白 flat white。咖啡香
KiOSK is famous for their flat white, visited here with my friend Keith one day. 你中文解釋是亭,這裏門面比較像一間英倫風的咖啡店,很喜歡這種藍色。I like the blue color of their coffee shop outside. 裡面的裝潢和設計簡約,舒服的純白色,中午時分來到已經有不少人呢。幸好還有桌子可以坐。Simple white interior design, quite a lot of customers in noon. 蛋糕種類不是太多,當天到訪的時候看見他們的招牌蛋糕,之前有跟朋友吃早餐,所以沒有點他們的沙拉和吐司,點了兩款蛋糕。
Not many cakes choices, we had breakfast before so we just ordered their cakes. 菜單 餐牌 menu 一場來到當然要試試他們的小白 flat white。咖啡香神,新買的比例恰到好處,拉花亦很漂亮。很懂咖啡的Keith也說非常不錯。
Flat white, nice latte art and good in quality. 巧克力堅果塔 choc tart
My friend told me they shouldn’t put the chili flakes besides the dish, because the chili flakes destroy the aroma of coffee. We didn’t eat with the chilies, it has some nuts inside, good to eat with coffee. 檸檬橄欖油起司 lemon olive oil cheesecake
Love the scent of lemon and olive oil, didn’t feel stuffed after having this cheesecake, no wonder it’s the signature cake here.