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在Instagram一直有看到香甜生活的蛋糕照片,非常漂亮,上個月終於可以找到機會去吃。Always want to try the cakes from La Vie Friande. Luckily I can have a chance to try last month.要嚐香甜生活的蛋糕就要到她的家吃或者買走她的蛋糕也可以,前提是一定要先跟她訂。訂購/訂位資訊請到她的facebook專頁: you want to try her cakes, you have to visit her apartment or purchase the take away cakes. For details please contact her through the Facebook link above.八月底時跟朋友斑比和Henry到Zoe的家吃下午茶,她的家在新店,坐捷運過來很方便。佈置舒適的空間,吃的蛋糕剛好是用來拍攝新書用。Went to Zoe’s home with my friend Banbi
If you want to try her cakes, you have to visit her apartment or purchase the take away cakes. For details please contact her through the Facebook link above.
三明治不是麵包,而且以棉花蛋糕夾水蜜桃跟鮮奶油。棉花蛋糕非常鬆軟可口,當季的水蜜桃多汁鮮甜。soft and fluffy cotton cake with juicy peach, I wish I can bake a good cotton cake just like this one.
充滿不同香氣的一款蛋糕。伯爵茶香淡淡的滲出,配合卡士達奶油的甜度味道很好。蜜橙跟開心果的果香跟果仁香,還有兩者帶來多一層的咬口感。Aromatic earl grey from the cake with custard cream, I like the crunchiness of the candies orange and pistachio.
綠配紅,好看又好吃。我欣賞抹茶戚風的鬆軟,還有抹茶香氣,配合蜂蜜口味的鮮奶油,吃不到抹茶的苦澀味道,香甜帶草莓的清新莓酸。A tasty matcha chiffon without any bitterness of the matcha, flavorful matcha scent with honey cream and strawberries, beautiful yet delicious.