是一家售賣新鮮的店,也非常好吃。除了在台南,台北也有國產牛肉可買走或者在餐廳吃。  is a shop selling  and a restaurant. Their  is my favorite.最初御牛殿只是賣台灣牛肉 – 鈜景肉品。他是在台灣第一家通過CAS驗證 (台灣優良農產品) 的牛肉。2004年成立,到2010年在嘉義開設了第一家直營餐飲門市。在台北有兩家店,我前後兩家都去過了。Dr Beef only sold fresh beef to customers before. The name is Hong Jine Cold Chain Taiwan Meat Store, established in 2004. In 2010, they set up the first restaurant at Chiayi. They are the first shop qualified Taiwan Certified Agricultural Standard. They have 2 restaurants in Taipei, I have visited b
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是一家售賣新鮮的店,也非常好吃。除了在台南,台北也有國產牛肉可買走或者在餐廳吃。  is a shop selling  and a restaurant. Their  is my favorite.

最初御牛殿只是賣台灣牛肉 – 鈜景肉品。他是在台灣第一家通過CAS驗證 (台灣優良農產品) 的牛肉。2004年成立,到2010年在嘉義開設了第一家直營餐飲門市。在台北有兩家店,我前後兩家都去過了。Dr Beef only sold fresh beef to customers before. The name is Hong Jine Cold Chain Taiwan Meat Store, established in 2004. In 2010, they set up the first restaurant at Chiayi. They are the first shop qualified Taiwan Certified Agricultural Standard. They have 2 restaurants in Taipei, I have visited both of them.
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第一次去的是莊敬店,在附近,很容易找。店子比較新,除了牛肉麵也有火鍋。The first time I went to Zhuangjing branch. Next to , easy to find. Besides beef noodles they have hotpot.
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因為這是刺身牛肉麵,上桌的時候牛肉是全生意的,是把熱湯倒在碗中把牛肉煮熟。有為倒湯的一刻拍下影片,在我的fb專頁和Instagram可以看到。湯頭的味道比較清淡,牛肉的味道越吃就會越吃得出來,可能牛肉泡在湯久一點,牛肉味會比較明顯。肋眼肉質屬於嫩滑,沒甚麼咬勁的,五分到七分熟吃剛好。The beef is raw before pouring the hot broth into the bowl. There’s a video of broth poring on my Facebook page and Instagram. Soup base is clear, light and mild, beef is tender. If you want to have something mild in taste, choose this.
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第二次去就是因為在永康街那邊吃抹茶甜點,之後想吃點鹹的,去了鄰近的東門店。就在,非常方便。裝潢比莊敬店的比較簡單。Because I had matcha dessert near Yongke Street, wanted to have some savories afterwards, went to Dongmen branch for my 2nd visit. The shop is just

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上菜的時候牛肉也是生的,但這家店的店員動作非常迅速,想叫她慢慢倒湯的時候已經來不及,瞬間就把湯倒好,所以拍不到生牛肉的照片。相對比清燉湯頭我更喜歡他們的紅燒湯頭,湯頭味道有很濃郁的牛肉香,有牛肉的那種回甘味道,也帶點藥材味和蔬菜甜味,不死鹹味道非常好。又或者可能是我比較愛重口味吧。菲力比肋眼有多一點咬口,我比較喜歡,旁邊有美味的豆瓣醬可以沾牛肉,麵條吸了湯頭很好吃。I couldn’t take the photo of the raw beef, the staff poured the water quickly. Probably because I love heavy taste food, I like their briased soy soup more than their clear broth. Deep and flavorful beef aroma with a bit of Chinese herbs scent and the sweetness from the vegetables. Fillet is tasty, compared to rib eye slices fillet slices have soft chewiness texture. Noodles is very delicious to eat together with the soup.