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我喜歡的一家咖啡館,除了好的咖啡,還有就是因為這家店的北歐設計風格。 is one of my favorite coffee shop in Taipei, besides their coffee. I like their Nothern European style design a lot.國家普遍日短夜長,北歐人待在室內和家的時間比較長,所以他們蠻注重室內設計。北歐風設計特色是簡潔直接,跟你們說來自瑞典Ikea的家具就是了。用上大量的白色牆面與木質傢品。Fika是瑞典文,是"一起喝咖啡的休憩時間"的意思。老闆曾以其咖啡豆到北歐參加世界咖啡烘焙大賽,並在espresso 組拿了冠軍。Simple and cozy interior design, using white walls and wooden furniture. “Fika" means “coffee leisure break" in Swedish. The owner of the shop won a coffe world champion “espresso" group in North Euro
is one of my favorite coffee shop in Taipei, besides their coffee. I like their Nothern European style design a lot. 國家普遍日短夜長,北歐人待在室內和家的時間比較長,所以他們蠻注重室內設計。北歐風設計特色是簡潔直接,跟你們說來自瑞典Ikea的家具就是了。用上大量的白色牆面與木質傢品。Fika是瑞典文,是"一起喝咖啡的休憩時間"的意思。老闆曾以其咖啡豆到北歐參加世界咖啡烘焙大賽,並在espresso 組拿了冠軍。
Simple and cozy interior design, using white walls and wooden furniture. “Fika" means “coffee leisure break" in Swedish. The owner of the shop won a coffe world champion “espresso" group in North Europe before. 我跟朋友來之前有吃過東西,所以就錯過了他們的鹹派跟貝果。這是朋友的。
We ate before coming, so we didn’t try their quiche and bagel. My friend had their . ,我點的咖啡。咖啡上面有一層煮過的黑糖,像是焦糖燉蛋上面的那層焦糖的質感。配合咖啡喝甜度剛好。旁邊附了一顆黑糖,如果覺得不夠甜的話可以加。
. Above the coffee it has a thin layer of brown sugar caramel, adequate sweetness for me. If you think the sweetness is not enough you can add the brown sugar on the spoon. 因為不太想吃起司蛋糕,選了他們的磅蛋糕。這款蛋糕有點太乾。店員有問我們喜不喜歡這個蛋糕,我也直接說太乾了。也不太能夠吃到抹茶的香。
. I didn’t enjoy this because it’s a bit too dry. A staff came to us and asked if we like it or not, I told her it’s not moist enough. And I couldn’t taste the matcha flavor. 這個是店員送我們吃的,因為我對之前的蛋糕不滿意。非常感謝呢他們很有誠意對待客人,這蛋糕比之前那款好吃,濕潤紮實,也帶蠻重的檸檬香。
. The staff gave us this cake after we told her the previous one is not good enough. This pound cake is much better. Flavorful and moist, and what we appreciate is the attitude and service of Fika Fika’s staffs 🙂 有咖啡豆跟小點心糖果可買走。之後有朋友說他們有改良磅蛋糕,抹茶那款他很喜歡,有機會一定會再訪。
They have coffee beans and snacks to buy as a souvenir. My friend told me that they have improved their pound cakes, he likes the matcha one a lot. Will visit again next time.