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沒吃甜點已久,託友推薦,帶我到天母的甜典16號吃甜點。老闆兼甜點總廚Stanley到日本學了兩年甜點,學成歸來,做的甜點是法日風。欣賞這裡的創作,從甜點出品能感受到Stanley對做甜點的用心。I didn’t have dessert for a long time, my friend wanted me to try her friend’s patisserie and we visited Sweet 16 Pâtisserie at Tianmu. The owner and dessert chef Stanley went to Japan to learn making dessert for 2 years. You can feel Stanley’s dedication on making good desserts from trying his creations. Desserts are mainly in French with Japanese style. 一碗檸檬 A bowl of lemon Stanley想做特別的檸檬塔,因而設計出”一碗
I didn’t have dessert for a long time, my friend wanted me to try her friend’s patisserie and we visited Sweet 16 Pâtisserie at Tianmu. The owner and dessert chef Stanley went to Japan to learn making dessert for 2 years. You can feel Stanley’s dedication on making good desserts from trying his creations. Desserts are mainly in French with Japanese style.
一碗檸檬 A bowl of lemon
Stanley wanted to make a special version lemon tart, he designed this. The bowl-shaped tart is crispy and not greasy . The fillings is made of fresh lemon juice. The upper layer is white chocolate, have to eat with those honey and lemon jelly, not too sweet and refreshing. Have to try if you love sour dessert.
草莓千層 Strawberry Mille feuille
The texture of Mille feuille is quite firm and buttery, custard is made with Madagascar vanilla pods and egg yolks, best eat the Mille feuille with custard as well as fresh strawberries together. I thought that I might not like this one because I’d always prefer fluffy Mille feuille, but this combination is surprisingly good, it’s tasty and I like it.
黑爵士 Black Knight
Combination of banana, mango, chocolate cake and chocolate mousse with nuts inside. Chocolate tastes rich but light in texture. I didn’t feel stuffed after having these 3 desserts with my friend.
中秋禮盒 “Mooncakes” gift box
Their own designed pastries for mid-autumn festival. It has 8 pieces or 16 pieces gift boxes. They are small cakes, with moist texture or with a lot of fillings inside. Each one of them tastes unique and delicious, a nice gift to give to friends and family during Mid Autumn Festival as mooncakes.
黑芝麻裡有鹹蛋黃,來自香港月餅的口味靈感參考。Black sesame seed and salty egg yolk
抹茶、萬丹紅豆、麻糬,日本口味的一款。Matcha, red bean paste and mochi
粟子萊姆酒 chestnut and run
自家咖啡豆跟可可碎 house coffee and cocoa nibs
焦糖榛果 caramel and hazelnuts
香橙 Orange
草莓 Strawberry
柚香伯爵 yuzu with earl grey tea