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喜歡抹茶的我找到這家以抹茶作為主打的茶道甜點店 – 。在高雄停留的一天也找時間來,如果你是喜歡吃抹茶甜點的絕對不要錯過。 is a dessert place in Kaohsiung, mainly selling matcha drinks and desserts. If you like matcha, don’t miss here when you visit Kaohsiung.這裡的老闆很喜歡抹茶、茶道的文化,而他亦學過法文,覺得法文能代表他想表達的自然、天然的甜點與飲料的呈現。位於信義國小捷運站附近,日式建築很容易找得到。座位不多,來之前建議要先訂位。The owner likes matcha and Japanese tea culture a lot, he learnt French and he thinks “naturalisme” this word can represent what he wants to present to the customers – everything simple and natural. The place is
is a dessert place in Kaohsiung, mainly selling matcha drinks and desserts. If you like matcha, don’t miss here when you visit Kaohsiung. 這裡的老闆很喜歡抹茶、茶道的文化,而他亦學過法文,覺得法文能代表他想表達的自然、天然的甜點與飲料的呈現。位於信義國小捷運站附近,日式建築很容易找得到。座位不多,來之前建議要先訂位。
The owner likes matcha and Japanese tea culture a lot, he learnt French and he thinks “naturalisme” this word can represent what he wants to present to the customers – everything simple and natural. The place is near Sunyi Elementery School MRT. Reservations are needed. 這裡所有的抹茶都是使用京都的丸久小山園粉所製作。當天不想喝有奶的飲料,選了這個抹茶。但其實看他們的抹茶拿鐵做得很漂亮,我想選其他的飲料也應該很不錯。
A tradional matcha, if you want to have something with milk you can choose their matcha latte. 這雪酪是以抹茶粉跟起司作主要材料。抹茶粉的比例蠻多的,起司的質感比較紮實,小小一份,不會讓人覺得很膩口。Very strong matcha taste, the texture of this cheese tart is quite hard, make sure you like matcha before visiting. 這裡的抹茶千層跟外面吃到的有很大的分別,老闆說他不想加太多的鮮奶油,餅皮是做得比較Q彈,中間抹茶粉的比例較多,都大方的灑,相對地鮮奶油真的比較少。味道是很不錯的因為抹茶的選用好,但多吃幾口的話口腔會乾,如果要減少鮮奶油使用,可以另提供抹茶漿去伴吃,效果會更好。
The crepe cake here is different with those I have usually. The owner mentioned that he doesn’t want to add too much cream, it has a lot of matcha powder in between, the crepes are bouncy but to me it’s quite dry overall, maybe adding some matcha sauce would be much better.