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在高雄找早餐店,前三家一定會找到興隆居。前後到興隆居三、四次了,喜歡這裡的湯包。Xin Long Ju is one of the famous breakfast place in Kaohsiung, I like their steamed buns a lot.他們有兩家店,我去的是在六合二路,捷運市議會站附近。星期天來非常多人在排隊。They have 2 shops in Kaohsiung, the one I went is near MRT City Council station. Many people queuing up in Sunday morning.鹹豆漿 savory soy milk這次喝到的鹹豆漿是酸的,味道有點怪,也不夠熱。Taste weird because it’s sour, and not hot enough.湯包 steamed bun幸好湯包還可以保持水準,其實他是包子,但裡面的湯汁很多,高麗菜跟豬肉餡不膩,味道清爽好吃。Juicy fillings with cabbage and minced pork, glad that
這次喝到的鹹豆漿是酸的,味道有點怪,也不夠熱。Taste weird because it’s sour, and not hot enough.
幸好湯包還可以保持水準,其實他是包子,但裡面的湯汁很多,高麗菜跟豬肉餡不膩,味道清爽好吃。Juicy fillings with cabbage and minced pork, glad that they can keep the quality.
燒餅烤得很香,但裡面的油條有點太硬。The deep fried dough stick is a bit too hard, but their clay oven roll is good.
裡面的焦糖漿香甜可口,外面的芝麻也很香,但可惜吃的時候不太夠熱,應該是做好了一段時間的了。Nice caramel fillings and aromatic sesame scent, but again the cake is not hot enough.