3-min walk from Exit 8, Zhongxiao Dunhua Station
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Senn 先酒肴
旨在推廣健康、自然、綠色的酒食文化。運用台灣本地食材、小農直送、當季新鮮食材來搭配特色 Sake 並獨家提供 Asabiraki 酒廠之全系列酒款 (明治時代武士村井源三(Genzo Murai)創立。Asabiraki (朝開)取名自日本最老的詩集「萬葉集」。是大船出港時作為吉祥的象徵。武士村井從商後,有重新開始的意思。日本歷代首相元旦要來酒廠,是日本接待外賓的國酒。) 提供台北夜晚享受美食小酌讓人流連忘返的好去處
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Opening Hours
18:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 01:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Online Booking Service Coming Soon
Booking was made via Open Rice and all confirmed. we went to the restaurant yesterday night and only when we got there, we realized they had a private party organized. They literally missed out our entire reservation made. We didn't make a big deal out of it as the restaurant kept saying they didn't receive any information To make it worse, when I looked at my reservation in the restaurant this morning, they changed my confirmed reservation to pending for confirmation. What they did is not professional and even changed things to cover their mistake. No matter how good this restaurant is, you can tell how their people managed things. Sadly speaking, your mistake saved me from going to your place, but your reputation.has just been ruined by your unprofessionalism and ignorance.
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