一年一度關聖帝君誕辰又到囉~每到這個時候,金瓜石的勸濟堂都會舉辦關公節~不過這週活動剛好碰上颱風,因而延期,不過要去祝壽的話,廟方還是有開的。 因為小鬍哥對關公有著特殊的感恩之情,所以每年都會來勸濟堂祝關公生日快樂喔!剛好在颱風過後的第二天,信眾不算太多,還好風雨不甚大~ 祝壽完後又到了吃東西的時間囉!直往九份前進!不過九份這邊人就多了,又是個寸步難行,風雨也無法澆熄觀光客的熱情阿,哈哈! 經過這間九份張記傳統魚丸想說人也太多了吧!完全坐滿,所以引起了我們的興趣,馬上登記等座位囉! 古色古香的感覺應該很好吃,點完菜也很快就上菜囉~ 醉雞 (160元)。 這樣小盤要160元其實滿貴的!不過想試試味道就點囉!肉質還不錯喔,酒香氣也剛剛好 (不會真的醉啦~),不過有點過鹹就是了。 脆香筍 (35元)。 這味道就梃像外面賣的罐頭辣筍的,脆脆辣辣的開胃~ 特製乾麵 (35元)。 乾麵還OK,肉燥是肥肉款,感覺普普通通。 魯肉飯 (30元)。 滷肉飯味道也還好,一樣的肉燥,味道也就差不多囉~ 小鬍哥的香菇鮮肉丸湯 (45元)。 這香菇丸還OK。帶有菇香氣,可是香氣不算重。 炒冬粉 (40元)。 裡面最好吃的應該就屬這假日才有的炒冬粉吧!QQ的味道鹹度也剛剛好,不過份量有點少就是了~ 我選的福州丸湯 (45元)。 看到它寫會爆漿的福州丸才點的,沒想到我吃的那顆一口咬下去完全沒有爆漿,連一點肉汁都沒有,乾乾的都傻眼了,說好的爆漿呢??(突然想念淡水魚丸了...) 不過小鬍哥吃的那一顆就說有肉汁比較好吃!好吧,算我運氣不好吃到一顆乾巴巴的福州丸~不過味道方面我也不是很喜歡! 綜合魚丸湯 (45元)。 沒想到最划算的是阿皮點的綜合魚丸湯,三樣都吃到了,吃完三種丸子最好吃的就是花枝丸了,比較香又有花枝塊在裡面! 整體吃起來覺得還好,可能不對我們的口味吧!我們飯後還跑到九份老街最經典的阿甘姨芋圓,來撫平我的甜點胃哈哈~
The traditional fishball Soup Eatery that can never be missed whenever I'm up there in Jiu Fen. I believe those who have been there and done that will definitely agree with me. With the open kitchen preparing the fishball and dishes, it attracted a good handful of onlookers watching its operation and photo taking for most tourists. Having been here more than 3 times, their menu did not change much. Every thing stays quite the same, even the crowd. There are a few menus and you are just spoilt for choices besides their signature dishes. To cater to the tourists, the menu is written in Chinese, English, Japanese as well as Hanyu Pin Yin. There is a constant crowd whenever we are there in Zhang Ji Traditional Fishball Eating Place. However with Taiwanese friendly service, you will feel welcome everywhere you go. Interior is traditionally furnished with wooden plankings, resembling the 客站 (guests stopover) that we often seen in the traditional Chinese shows. Not to mentioned about its menu, it looked retro too. One do not just stopped at ordering their fishballs only, we did try ordering other items available in their menu. Bamboo Shoot is crunchy in the right thickness and was not too oily drizzled in chilli oil. If you worry about the typical foul smell, nope, it does not exist here. $ Love Century eggs? If you do, wait no longer and just order this side. The dish is chilled with Tofu and Century egg topped with Bonito Flakes, Spring onions and sweet sauce. You will definitely love how runny the egg is! Not forgetting the typical braised dish that most Taiwanese Eatery offer. The braised meat came with good portion of fatty and lean meat without being unctuous. Pairing the braised meat with these pearl grains, we felt very stomach comforting indeed. Their dried noodle are quite springy topped with braised pork. An alternative choice to the braised pork rice. Ordering a bowl of mixed fish ball soup will be a good choice if you want to try assorted balls without bursting your stomach. The soup is tasty with chopped celery and contained a mixture of Fu Zhou Fishball, Mushroom Meat Ball and the normal Fish ball. We love Fu Zhou Meatballs and ordered a bowl of it. While they come from a boiling pot, do be additional careful when you bite on the balls for the "juice" may just ooze out and scald your mouth. What we enjoyed about Zhang Ji's traditional fishball doesn't just boil down to their inexpensive pricing but more on its quality of food. This is definitely not a tourist trap because even the locals recommend it.Unlike our fishballs, I like the fact that these are not overly bouncy. The springiness on the balls were addictive on our jaws. Once you bite into the Fu Zhou Fishball, you will enjoy the burst of fragrant meat. Look at the ratio of the meat to the fishball encasing. How generous it is!Unfortunately for our Fu Zhou Fishballs back home in the Supermarts, the ratio is the reverse. We have more of the bouncy encasing and a small amount of meat! Thus enjoy all you can while you are there. Looked transparent and raw, however if you enjoy drunken chicken, this plate of chilled dish are pack full of the chinese wine taste. Overall, if you are in Jiu Fen, this is one of the stalls there that is worth a try, especially if you went there over the cold seasons, the hot fishball soup would definitely of great help to warm your body up.
吃過地道之芋圓以後,我們一直往前走沿途食肆多不勝數、其實要吸著旅客的眼睛而進入店舖,真是有點兒難度因為每間的店子都有他們的特別之處, 經過一輪擾攘之下我們最終落腳在此店。。雖然整條街上都有很多不同之食肆, 但肚皮就只得一個、所以這一刻實在是嚴重的選擇困難症, 被店子內的姨姨半推半就下我們終於坐下來, 提起點菜單 看看其實價錢很經濟 由台幣 30元至180元不等。。款式亦都算有很多,例如:魯肉飯、特製乾麵、花之丸湯、綜合魚丸麵、滷蛋、油豆腐、豬紅、海帶皮蛋、豆腐、豬頭皮、脆香水鳳爪 、醉雞等等~嚐到一口鹵蛋10 入味非常, 切開的蛋更加上了特製芝醬油、 味道上更感惹味~台灣特色魯肉飯30, 每一家都有他的秘製方法、這碗小小的滷肉飯味道與魯肉口感都不錯, 不過就略嫌細碗些少~吃過之前之魯肉飯 我才明白到其實台灣的食肆很多時食物的份量都是細細份、故此以下落嚟的每款東西 都是給予我們小小的份量 , 就如眼前這碟小黃瓜40、 爽嫩青綠是灼菜以外的另類之選~這個 灼青菜45 口感上猶如我們香港人吃上之蕃薯苗, 幼嫩非常而且好像加上一些滷肉汁所以味道上更為惹味~這碗綜合魚丸麵70 一樣以少見稱,不論丸類及麵類 都是偏細、如果大食者我深信可能要二至三碗方為夠飽, 不過包心丸確實有驚喜丸身爽口之餘內藏之豬肉亦非常美味麵條爽彈、 是一碗可以encore 的魚丸麵~一個頗古怪的名字豬頭皮40, 是冷盤吃法即香港人叫涼拌、 感覺上好像豬手切上一片一片口感, 而調味上並沒有明顯的看上醬汁、但入口就相當入味, 古想像是在烹調中已混好味道、這個冷盤個人感覺便是不過不失, 沒有太大之驚喜度~店子雖然每一份食物份量都不大,但不經不覺下吃上多款也感覺開始大半飽、 而且價錢實在十分便宜, 絕對可以算是街坊價人情味的小食店。
除了芋圓出名, 在九份裡魚丸都是好出名,經過這間魚丸湯店,當然要品嚐當地的傳統魚丸,那是都剛是中午過後, 已經不少遊客正在用餐, 環境地方都好樸實,門外高掛住紅燈籠,充滿鄉土風情,枱櫈更是用木製造,好像古代的木枱木櫈, 櫈是好像古時的板凳,好有當地風情的感覺,除了魚丸之外,有魯肉飯, 乾麵, 還有一些小食, 例如皮蛋豆腐, 小黃瓜, 豆干.....後來我們都是點了個綜合魚丸湯(TWD$40),有傳統魚蛋+福州魚丸+花枝丸兩粒,傳統魚蛋咬起來QQ脆脆, 魚味濃郁, 魚湯更是鮮甜好清爽, 好香魚味,連魚湯一起食更是鮮甜,福州魚丸很大粒但只有一顆,是包餡的魚丸,魚肉彈性十足,花枝丸有兩粒, 好重花枝味又彈牙