捷運信義國小站出口3, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
「不只女人要美容,男人更要顧好面子」 小時候阿嬤總是這麼跟我說。 我最喜歡窩在阿嬤的理髮廳裡, 聽著電動剃頭刀的聲音, 一下、一下,地上掉滿頭髮, 這是我難忘的回憶。 「南海理髮廳」 不只因為地點在南海街,也取自諧音 由南海轉變成男孩, 也代表著,理髮廳是讓男孩變成男人的地方。 巷口的剉冰店,也是我跟阿嬤的回憶, 造就了這間店奇妙的聯結。 繼續閱讀
13:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (1)
只在的,造型漂亮也不錯吃。趁剛結束的處女星號南中國海瑰寶之旅,到達的時候去吃,因為剛好是星期天,有機會吃到。only sells  on weekends and public holidays. Last week I was on Star Virgo cruise trip and arrived Kaohsiung on Sunday. I had a chance to try.店在,。下午一點開門,我大約一點半到人已經非常多,我只有一個人,所以一到就找到位子可以坐了。先到櫃面點選”造型師”跟付錢,他們會給你號碼牌等候。The ice shop is at , , very easy to find. It opens at 1pm, I arrived at around 1:30pm and there’s a lot of people waiting for seats. Luckily I went alone, I got a seat immediately. First you have to order and pay, they’d give you a number card, just wait for your number and take it by yourself at the cashier.草莓刨冰,上面是乳酪醬,加上檸檬皮,一點都不會膩,裡面的冰像是懷舊風的日式刨冰,沒有很細的質感但配上草莓醬也很不錯吃。最喜歡底下的香草冰淇淋,配刨冰吃甜度剛好。On top it’s yogurt sauce with lemon zest, light and fresh. The shaved ice is not those fine texture but still good with strawberry sauce. I like the vanilla icecream underneath the most, adequate sweetness when eating with shaved ice together.以咖啡為主的提拉米蘇刨冰,這款坦白說我沒有很喜歡,因為吃起來乳酪的酸跟咖啡的味道很不搭,而且刨冰中間的咖啡粉有點太多,有點苦,要靠最底下的冰淇淋中和味道。I don’t like their tiramisu shaved ice, mainly because the yogurt sourness doesn’t match with coffee , and the coffee powder within the shaved ice is a bit too much, it’s bitter, have to balance the bitterness by the icecream underneath. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)