Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
我在蘭嶼的日子,早餐吃啥好當然~能享齊人之福是最好飛魚飯糰先預約之外無名蛋餅更是不能錯過台東蘭嶼「施路岸早餐」無敵蛋餅雞蛋煎包蛋餅皮夾燒肉,沾一點辣醬美味的蘭嶼日子就從這裡開始Special Taiwanese omelette in Orchid Island (lanyu), yummy.OK, follow the travel guide from Hostel Ocean Everyday, we need to decide what to eat for day2 breakfast. To my sadness, the flying fish onigiri was sold out from “阿力給”, just only 8 am! I can’t believe that. Anyway, we made a reservation for flying fish onigiri for the next morning, then headed to another breakfast choice on the guide, “施路岸”, a nameless breakfast shop between Hostel Ocean Everyday and “阿力給”.第二天一早,其實也不早,上午七點半手刀走路前往原本預計要吃的「阿力給」疏不知…對,到的時候已經賣完了XD而且因為飛魚季結束,三明治停售所以只有飛魚飯糰可選,八點來得肯定向隅向老闆預約隔天再來品嚐從民宿看海的日子走到阿力給約20分鐘早上八點已經曬到不成人形…風景相伴,走點路倒也不算什麼早上的蘭嶼艷陽高照估計許多人都還在民宿吹涼我很喜歡從蘭嶼的角度看這片天空那是台灣那頭無法感受到的近距離接觸哎呀可惜從臺北過來的交通費跟出國飛一趟差不多了orz..They served various breakfast, from Taiwanese style to Western one. We ordered Taiwanese omelette and drinks, took out. It spent around 20min to wait our meals. lol Crowded you know. Be patient! 施路岸201606價目表給大家參考清楚明瞭,最好玩的是除了西式早餐以外貢丸湯、肉包、蘿蔔糕、粽子等中式早餐也有得挑招牌蛋餅是一定要的!不少在地人都來這選中式早餐XD像觀光客如我,蛋餅成為首選囉…餐後結帳,點四份蛋餅與飲料,等了20分鐘內場的母子忙得不可開交,吵鬧的鬥嘴也沒停過I love their egg omelette, especially with BBQ pork. The spotlight was egg on the coat, not the flour. That’s why we could see the caramel color from omelette, and the crispy coat outside, tender flour and stuffing inside. Tasty! Better with a little bit soy sauce or chilli sauce! Damn good.點了四種口味,外觀看起來都差不多起司、燒肉、火腿、培根第一次看到蛋餅的外層是雞蛋本人!外帶沒加醬算是飲恨雖說蛋餅本身就很有味道但如加特製辣椒應該更上一層樓可惜沒時間內用ps. 其實是因為其他人都還在睡這樣 (誤推薦夾培根或是燒肉肉排永遠都是我心中的第一名雞蛋裹在蛋餅外層的好處是直接觸碰到鐵板因此那焦香的氣味送進你嘴裡我個人非常喜歡ps. 其他人吃過就忘了吧我想XD想看更多美食記錄請見 Shrimp^2不負責任的人生紀錄 http://shrimp2.pixnet.net/blog
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