Opening Hours
06:00 - 15:00
Mon - Sun
06:00 - 15:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
排骨飯 爌肉飯
Review (8)
We were given a few choices for lunch while leaving Qing Jing heading to the next destination, Tai Chung. Our Tour guide highly recommended this place as its quite popular in the area and had been there 40 over years.Li Zai Ge operates from the morning till about 3pm in the afternoon, serving breakfast from 6am. This place is well liked by locals as well as tourists. During Weekends and Public Holidays, the entire place will be flocked with patrons.We were quite lucky in the sense that the lunch crowd is over and we still get to reach the place before it closed. However, the cons were that quite a number of dishes were sold out and choices were limited. While we were there, the staff were busying doing washing and cleaning its area. Nevertheless there are still 1 or 2 groups of customers ordering from them.Menu was straight forward and not too complicated with 5 main items, 6 side dishes and 4 soup dishes for diners to choose from. Diners just have to indicate on the slip of paper to place order.Some commented that for this price that we were paying, its actually equivalent to Taipei's pricing. Converting to Singapore Dollar, its about $3.50. Well, given the portion we would say its rather a standard pricing in terms of our living standard.Pork Ribs retained a traditional braised taste. The method frying them before braising had lend a salty and crispy taste. Not to mentioned that the pork rib was a big and thick piece, covering up the entire bowl of rice. The braised sauce not only infiltrated the ribs, giving it moisture and makes the meat chewy. Definitely worth what we were paying for.Although priced at 70 TWD maybe little steep for the local, she still draw a constant crowd daily till sold out. The signature dish that Li Zai Ge pride themselves with. Many may dislike pork belly due to its oiliness or greasiness but this pork belly has distinctive layers of lean meat and fat. Meat was braised till tenderness and a slight pull with chopsticks may have them disintegrated. That's why they made use of toothpick to keep the belly in its original state. Paring the meat with yellow pickles and cabbages, it completed the bowl of rice. Simple and tastes good!We have additional side items and of course when it comes to braised shop like this, I could not let my rice go plain without pairing with its braised sauce. Each Overall, I find that their standards are above average and living up to its name. For those who will be passing by Nantou to or from Qing Jing, do not forget to visit this place if you do not mind having braised meat rice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
李仔哥爌肉飯,有人告訴我去南投一定要吃李仔哥爌肉飯。為~~~ 什~~~麼~~~ 啊???????? 真的有這麼好吃嗎果然~~~ 人氣很旺!!! 快到的時候,交通真的有點亂~~~ 車太多了。店家也很貼心的在店旁弄了一個停車場~~~ 可以停約十幾台吧!!! 但似乎還是不夠停耶!!! 哈哈哈。 大家都慕名而來嗎?非店家顧客請勿停車悠!!!因為是小吃~ 所以流動率很高啦!!! 稍等一下馬上就有車位了。外帶區跟內用區分開的~~~ 內用區會有人帶位,記得先拿點菜單。一樓為用餐區,有服務人員。二樓為自助用餐區。一切自己來啦。請到一樓點餐,並自行把餐點端上去。不過有冷氣> 生意真的不錯。 不過老闆手腳也超快! 根本不用等~~~ 太利害了。一樓坐滿滿~~~ 我們只好上二樓找位子了!!!!!!二樓人就比較少了。 但是有冷氣吹~~~ 比較舒服一點。飯類;爌肉飯等三種選擇。還有肉羹類。湯類有5種選擇。 還有小菜類~~~ 其實就是很簡單的小吃店。爌肉飯 NT60元。其實價位看起來有點小貴耶。一大塊爌肉跟一些配菜。 不是很大碗居然要60大洋.。。。讓我們想念華喜的蛋苞了!!!網友推薦的人氣爌肉到底有多好吃。其實應該說是很清爽的一塊肥瘦平均的肉。肥肉的地方蠻大塊的~ 但吃起來居然不油。而且口感是很有彈性的。滷汁不會死鹹~~~ 對愛莉絲來說剛剛好。但如果吃重口味的,可能就會覺得清淡囉。但愛莉絲還是愛華喜啦。梅干菜飯 NT35元。因為外頭很少見到梅干菜飯這東西。所以點來試試看。有一股特別的味道。梅干與香菇的組合很搭。但黃色的醬菜不好吃~~~ 滷蛋 NT10元。 因為滷汁是偏清淡的,所以可以吃到淡淡的蛋香跟滷汁香。但蛋沒有很入味就是了。味噌湯 NT10元。 便宜又好喝的味噌湯~~~ C/P值很高悠~~~ 甜甜的湯配上爌肉飯完美組合。小結一下; 因為愛莉絲跟勒們心中已經有華喜爌肉飯了。所以李仔哥並沒有取代它在我們心中的地位~~~ 愛莉絲覺得李仔哥表現普普,但不油膩這點有小勝!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
李仔哥爌肉飯在埔里也是鼎鼎有名的小吃之一營業時間也只到三點就收工 XDD小mi前一天晚上還傻傻的跑去撲了空 = ="不過在吃不到不甘心的情況下第二天中午 我們就又殺去那邊用餐拉 >w< 李仔哥爌肉飯那邊停車也很方便在後門就有一個小型的停車場不過限定有用餐的客人才可以使用 店裡賣的東西其實不多加上小菜之類的大概也才十來種不過小mi覺得都不錯吃呢 >w< 招牌爌肉飯跟一般外頭的爌肉飯比起來李仔哥的爌肉飯算是比較小碗不過他的爌肉真的好好吃~又軟又嫩的入口即化而且滷的也很夠味 >w<吃起來一點都不油膩~ 小mi點的是肉羹麵話說一上桌的時候小mi還有點傻眼因為他的肉羹麵是用盤子裝的 XDDD肉羹是小mi最喜歡的赤肉羹 滷排骨 看起來油油亮亮的好像很油膩味道是還不錯不過小mi還是偏愛炸排骨脆脆的口感拉 XDD 滷蛋還不錯 滷得很香很入味筍絲小mi覺得有點偏酸 = ="不知道是不是中部人的口味就是這樣 除了爌肉之外小mi也很喜歡這道蛤蜊湯鮮甜好喝 蛤蜊分量也不少除了蛤蜊之外 裡面也有好吃的赤肉 >w< 味增湯 網路上評價是說喝起來很空虛不過一碗才十塊錢 暖暖身子其實也還不錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-10-12
滷得很入味,不死鹹不油膩的爌肉飯在埔里的第二天在地人帶我們去吃排隊美食不知道是不是遇上萬人泳渡日月潭的關係,人爆多樓上樓下客滿,到樓上用餐還要排隊樓上的要自己取餐帶了台大型手推車,我們等樓下的位置 凱凱好像不喜歡人多的地方,一度大聲哭嚎最後又是我一邊抱著他,一邊吃飯 爌肉滷得很入味,很下飯肥肉的部分不會太油用竹籤串著是擔心夾取的時候散掉吧 排骨飯也好吃大黑還單點了一塊 這裡的飯只有一樣配菜,不過價格跟台北差不多爌肉飯$60,排骨飯$70 埔里人帶去的,應該是創始店沒錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
前往清境的途中~決定到埔里有明的18度C吃吃冰結果發現我們的冷煤似乎沒了~趕緊來找修車店~ 補冷煤的同時順便問問老板道地的小吃老闆二話不說大推李仔哥爌肉飯~說生意非常好,在地人也非常喜歡吃餐廳資訊地址:南投縣埔里鎮信義路326號電話:04-92420282營業時間:週一~週日 AM6:00~15:00※附停車場,有冷氣區,自助點餐取餐檢視較大的地圖 對了~一到現場趕快先去排隊點餐!!!其他人去找位置!!!2樓有開冷氣唷! 在門口就分了外帶區與內用區菜單因為中午天氣熱,比較沒那麼餓,我們就兩人點一碗再加菜一碗兩個人女生吃也OK! 我們共點了爌肉飯、排骨飯、燙青菜、滷筍干共$230 爌肉飯$70簡簡單單的一碗飯,滷汁很夠味,加上已經滷的軟嫩的爌肉! 就連小軟骨也能輕鬆入口肥肉的部分不會特別油膩,配上飯一起吃很好吃~排骨飯$80排骨也是滷的很夠味~感覺也先炸過再滷也有一些配菜像是四季豆、青菜等滷筍干$40燙青菜$40 吃完後就前往咱們的冰店!!!18度c巧克力工房~~電話:049-2984863地址:南投縣埔里鎮慈恩街20號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)