大胖&小胖吃胖胖 【HOP IN TAPROOM】地址:桃園市桃園區新埔七街8號電話:03-3253611營業時間:週一~週日 17:00~01:00(週未至02:00)每日20:00前都是Happy Hour,生啤通通八折 FB粉絲團:HOP IN TAPROOM 檢視較大的地圖 桃園店…【Hop In 精釀啤酒小舖】→點我 中壢大同商圈的人氣精釀啤酒吧HOP IN最近來到藝文特區展店囉...
We were given a few choices for lunch while leaving Qing Jing heading to the next destination, Tai Chung. Our Tour guide highly recommended this place as its quite popular in the area and had been there 40 over years. Li Zai Ge operates from the morning till about 3pm in the afternoon, serving breakfast from 6am. This place is well liked by locals as well as tourists. During W...
台灣美食很多,不過我個人特愛日式生食料理,位於台北捷運中山國小站附近的【肥貓漁夫】就很優,店內每日新鮮產地直送漁貨,都是來自台灣東北角、擁有豐富海鮮產地的宜蘭,大器的鋪滿在醋飯上製成海鮮丼,新鮮料好味美,Eating in taipei一定要來試試! 原文網址:http://bagaxn.com/fishmandon/ 這次算是二訪【肥貓漁夫】了,首訪對他的印象很不錯,二訪也是勢在必行的。搭乘捷運至中山國小站一號出口,步行...