We were given a few choices for lunch while leaving Qing Jing heading to the next destination, Tai Chung. Our Tour guide highly recommended this place as its quite popular in the area and had been there 40 over years. Li Zai Ge operates from the morning till about 3pm in the afternoon, serving breakfast from 6am. This place is well liked by locals as well as tourists. During W...
古一小舍是一家提供咖哩、意麵、咖啡跟甜點的小店,靠近大稻埕,選用的都是新鮮食材,食物水準認真,很喜歡他們的櫻花蝦意麵跟咖哩飯。 Guyi Cafe is a cozy place near Dadaocheng, food is nicely made with a lot of fresh ingredients. Will come back for their curry and noodles for sure. Black tea and Latte 飲料選了古一紅茶 / 拿鐵,吸管是可再用的,非常欣賞這一點。 古一意麵 Guyi Tainan no...