上個月我跟家人特地來台中,是為了去青境農場,幸好天公造美,能夠留下美好的回憶, 在行程的第3天,離開台中前的3個小時,我之前PLAN好去這一家CAFÉ,想不到平日walk in 進去也沒有空的桌子,需要留下名字等位約1小時,但不肯定有沒有位子….我們逛了對面的景點大約45分鐘,因天氣很熱,進去周圍逛逛,再等一下就有位子了~是門口旁邊靠落地窗的~ 這家café的service也是很好呢,她們知道我們是香港人,我問關於...
Thanks to Pretty J for this pineapple cake from Taiwan.I could not find Sunny Hill on Taiwan's openrice so I tried 微熱山丘 and it was listed. The pineapple cake is slightly different in shape to the Hong Kong style ones, it is a big chunky rectangular block.The taste was amazing because it had real chunks of pineapple in it and it was not too sweet with natural tartness from...