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Signature Dishes
炒海香菇 芥蘭牛肉 醬燒鳳螺肉
Review (1)
用酥炸飛魚、三杯魷魚慶祝在蘭嶼的每一天台東蘭嶼紅頭村人氣餐廳「藍の魚」吃飽再賞日落,也不遲摸黑開往永興農場潮間帶位置的路途相當的漫長…天不從人願XD..煞車壞了下集待續Having some seafood on Orchid Island! Bluefish!Before intertidal tour at night, we decided to have stir-fried food in Imowzod tribe, just 10 min from Hostel Ocean Day by driving.這天晚上要上潮間帶玩耍於是提早來用晚餐左思右想,決定開到紅頭村這兒算是蘭嶼的市中心不乏餐廳與民宿決定在「藍の魚餐廳」吃點海產熱炒蘭嶼靠海呀…自然要點個海鮮試試Bluefish had menu in Chinese, you could also make order by pictures. 海的魚餐廳基本只有大圓桌而且!重點是平日晚上也不少桌已被預約所以,人多又想試試快炒,建議先預約一席囉坐下後,點三樣菜,潮間帶結束後再吃點下酒菜來到蘭嶼,自然要試試炸飛魚Deep fried flying fish, the special dish you should try in Orchid Island. Just like other marine fish, w/o earthy flavour. Just enjoy the crispy skin and tender fish. We people love to dip some pepper and salt, feel the sweet.酥炸飛魚塊,好處是方便分食~不然一整尾…可能就有點難分給大家XD手腳慢大概只能啃骨頭這樣油炸過後得新鮮飛魚,沾一點胡椒鹽麵衣顆粒的口感脆口,肉質無腥味當然免不了吃到一些細碎的魚刺整體來說是好吃又新鮮,非回鍋油是說在蘭嶼,隨便走都有賣飛魚..別擔心吃不到囉沒看過飛魚滑翔,已經先吃了不少阿彌陀螺Stir fried water spinach with garlic! Taiwanese style.純粹覺得要補一下纖維綠色蔬菜紅蘿蔔絲、些許大蒜快炒空心火侯適中沒過老,盤底無一層油份量以120來說算是很不錯建議可五到六人分食Clay pot squid (three cups squid), super tasty! What’s three cups? Sesame oil, rice wine and soy sauce, also with a little bit sugar and basil! Bon appetit!三杯一向是比較費工的料理除了麻油、醬油還要老薑、醬油等食材煲在砂鍋內熱騰騰的上菜魷魚個頭壯碩,肉質緊實鮮甜三杯的手法不油不膩,香噴噴的感覺很棒推薦他們家三杯系列!想看更多美食記錄請見 Shrimp^2不負責任的人生紀錄 http://shrimp2.pixnet.net/blog continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)